Democracy is not going to solve anything, as long as most of those voters are being told what to think by shadowy, global news agencies and through public school; from shadowy common core script writers.
How is that democracy? It’s a different type of dictatorship. To have people’s minds run on autopilot from childhood. Just use a triggering word, and have everyone react the same way. It’s a brilliant composition.
People who know nothing about a certain subject, will just vote for whoever is charismatic and in the spotlight. We all have some subject we know more or less nothing about. How does the world become a better place when we vote over those blank spots? I don’t want to vote about specific things I have too little information and comprehension about, and I don’t want my drunk neighbor to vote over it either.
This is where democracy becomes extremely tricky. I don’t have a master solution. But I keep chewing on it.
I enjoyed your article. It was much more informative than my own about the subject. I still write to keep myself alert and to prevent me from exploding. Thank you for sharing!