Inflation is just a symptom. A means to an end. You presume that inflation is made by the collective of panickers and opportunists? (Sure, real estators are not innocent)
But inflation begins in the shadows. It begins by artificially cutting supply chains. By manipulating the weather and by putting factory workers in quarantine. It begins by artificially creating panics. It begins by lowering the supply. Inflation happens when someone wants to change the system. It’s not a battle between rich and poor. We shouldn’t fight eachother.
We are all being played here. Inflation is caused by idealism in the shadows. This is why it’s so hard to explain. To us, it just seems to happen. Grocery stores raise prices because they need to pay more to get their goods. The grocery store suppliers also need to pay more, when everyone is fighting for the limited supply. But it starts somewhere, and it’s in the shadows. By people who are very religious, let’s say, and care nothing about money. After all, they also control the money supply, and they have no borders.
It’s the people who fight in public debates, while in the background their kids are friends. It’s the people who starts wars with eachother, and at the same time make Arctic and Antarctic treaties with eachother in total agreement.
While they tell us what kind of utopia to work for next. These people are mostly not in the media. Do you really think Trudeau is the most capable mastermind in Canada? That he’s making the decisions over there, and that his speeches just happens to match perfectly with Stoltenberg’s speeches? Or Boris’s speeches? It doesn’t work that way. It’s the real unicorn.
These people are religious. And they do whatever they can to make sure we are not. Unless your religion is a unicorn that can be managed.
(thank you for the book suggestion and story suggestion. I wrote a response, but I don’t know if it shows in your messages when the conversations get long)