Intelligence is your inhibit potential and how you use it. But it’s not the same as wisdom and knowledge. A highly intelligent person kan acquire knowledge by studying, asking, listening. He can gain wisdom by learning from experience, and if he is focused enough, he can even gain wisdom from learning from other people’s experiences.
Some of the most intelligent people who ever lived, were also misunderstood by their own generation. They were too different, or before their own time. Not all intelligent people strive for mammon. They may have completely different ambitions, and may die poor– even by choice.
Intelligence is also self-knowledge. To learn to trust your own judgement and gut feeling. This helps you to act fast when it is needed. But also to wait patiently for the right timing. I agree that many intelligent people talk less and listen more, and enjoy being alone, because they are never bored. But I can’t see how intelligent people would not spend a lot of time thinking about things than need consideration. They just spend time thinking about constructive things, I would imagine..