Well written!
Good for you, standing up for your daughter like that! It has always troubled me, how people keep disreguarding the biological bonds children have with their parents.
And No! These bonds cannot be replaced. Adoption is an emergency solution for children who have no one in life. But it should never be considered an equal alternative, or better alternative to being raised by your biological family, even grandparents and uncles are better than strangers.
It offers your child the opportunity to know who they are, where they came from. To grow up poor and have this bond is better than to grow up rich without it.
All these adoptions and foster-care polycies for kids who are wanted by biological family is an absolut crime against natural law. It's a ticking bomb of mental problems and depression waiting to happen for that child as he or she grows up.
Not only do you deprive a parent of her or his child, but even grandparents, siblings, ants and uncles suffer. And most importantly, the child is, or will soon suffer, as the truth hits them in the face.
Shame on any christian who supports kidnapping of children from their parents and extended family, or those who support the separation of biological siblings into different homes.
And don't give up on God just because people are stupid. Jesus grew up poor, and his biological Mother was 14 when she became pregnant!
And we hail her as the Queen of Heaven!
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee!
Blessed are thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus."