Women and men who participate in the porn productions the west distributes to the entire world, are also responsible! A lot of kids are watching this crap, and it shapes their view of reality even before puberty.
Look at statistics of what countries are the top consumers of this industry.
The same goes for those who continue to teach that women or children who dress a certain way, or do not belong to certain religions are fair game. In Sweden, little boys have been raped in bath-houses. I wonder what places normalises sex with boys under 13..?
Again, do your own research.
In Sweden, the definition of rape has been redefined into the rediculos sphere. Women who change their mind about sex later on, can just accuse men of anything. It’s almost to the point where men would need a paper with written consent beforehand.
The laws may be promulgated to prevent random attacks on the streets. But it’s used later to destroy decent, regular guys who were in good faith in court.
It’s then used to create enmity between the sexes of the same cultures, to prevent them from building stabile families. There’s much more sinister agendas to this than women’s rights. It’s sad but true.